Our Home Grounds and relevant information for the 2024/25 Season

eecfc clubhouse at glyn playing fields

Glyn – Priest Hill Playing Field

Reigate Road, Ewell, Epsom, KT17 3DS

Our main pitches and clubhouse location. Cafe open in the Clubhouse on Sundays

(Parking on site is for managers only (inc. away), parents and players please park at Nescot College and walk up Reigate Road to pitches)

Court Recreation Ground

Pound Lane, Epsom, Surrey KT19 8HG

7v7, 9v9 Pitches

Wallace Fields School

Dorling Dr, Epsom, Surrey KT17 3BH

5v5 & 7v7 Pitches

Sutton Grammar Pitches

Northey Avenue, Cheam, Surrey SM2 7HJ

9v9 & 11v11 Pitches

Nescot Sports Ground Pitches

Nescot Sports Ground, Epsom KT17 3DS

5v5, 7v7 9v9 & 11v11 Pitches