Wildcats Girls’ Football Clubs provide girls with regular opportunities to play football and take part in organised sessions in a fun and engaging environment created exclusively for girls.

This is a fantastic opportunity for girls aged 5-11 in the Epsom & Ewell Borough who have never played any football before to come and try the beautiful game!  Wildcats is all about having fun, making friends and playing playing football.

Here are the venue and times for our weekly sessions:

Girls (all abilities) ages 5 – 11

10:00 – 11:30am

Poole Road Recreation Ground (The Harrier Centre), Poole Road, West Ewell, KT19 9RY

£5 per player (per session)

Click HERE to see a map of the venue

Click HERE to complete a club application form.

Follow us on Twitter:  https://twitter.com/eecoltswildcats

Follow us on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/coltsssewildcats/


Wildcats Group Photo